Un conte de fées moderne: une femme devient la plus jeune reine du monde après avoir gagné le cœur du roi à l’âge de 7 ans

novembre 22, 2019 16:32, Last Updated: décembre 30, 2019 21:54

Il était une fois, dans le royaume himalayen du Bhoutan – un petit pays enclavé entre le Tibet et l’Inde – où vivait une belle fillette de 7 ans nommée Jetsun Pema.

Jetsun Pema, fille d’un pilote d’avion commercial ayant des relations royales, a rencontré le prince héritier du Bhoutan Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, 17 ans, lors d’un pique-nique.

Charmée par le charisme du prince Jigme Khesar, la petite Jetsun Pema s’approcha de lui et lui fit un câlin. Elle lui a ensuite innocemment pris la main et lui a dit : « J’aimerais venir avec vous. J’aimerais vous épouser. »

Le prince Jigme Khesar a demandé pourquoi.

La petite Jetsun Pema a simplement répondu : « Je vous aime bien. »

Le prince Khesar, touché par la pureté de la petite Jetsun, a gardé ses mots dans son cœur.

Il lui a dit : « Quand tu seras grande, si je suis célibataire et non marié et si tu es célibataire et non mariée, je voudrais que tu sois ma femme, à condition que nous ressentions toujours la même chose. »

Ne sachant pas que l’homme était le futur roi, la petite Jetsun Pema hocha la tête timidement et s’enfuit, espérant qu’ils se reverraient quand elle aurait grandi.

Des années plus tard, Jetsun Pema est devenue une femme étonnante et intelligente, tandis que le beau prince Jigme Khesar, grand d’environ 1,80 mètre – ayant charmé le cœur de nombreuses femmes – montait sur le trône à l’âge de 28 ans.

Le roi Jigme Khesar et Jetsun Pema semblaient chacun être la personne idéale qu’il fallait l’un à l’autre. Leur amour de l’art les a rapprochés et leur a permis de tisser un lien affectif.

Tous deux ont aussi étudié en Angleterre. Le roi Jigme Khesar a obtenu le programme des affaires étrangères et le diplôme en relations internationales de l’Université d’Oxford, tandis que Jetsun Pema a étudié les relations internationales avec une option en psychologie et en histoire de l’art au Regent’s College, à Londres.

Fidèle à sa promesse, le 13 octobre 2011, le roi Jigme Khesar, âgé de 31 ans, a épousé la citoyenne Jetsun Pema, âgée de 21 ans, dans une forteresse du XVIIe siècle, lors d’une cérémonie bouddhiste traditionnelle, faisant d’elle la plus jeune reine du monde.

Le roi Jigme Khesar, salué comme un « roi du peuple », a déclaré aux journalistes : « J’attends depuis un certain temps de me marier. Et le moment de sa vie ou on se marie n’a pas d’importance, tant que c’est avec la bonne personne. Je suis certain d’être marié à la bonne personne. »

Dans un discours royal devant le Parlement, le roi Jigme Khesar a déclaré : « Pour la reine, le plus important est qu’en tout temps, en tant qu’individu, elle doit être une bonne personne, et en tant que reine, elle doit être inébranlable dans son engagement à servir le peuple et le pays.

« Pour être ma reine, j’ai trouvé une telle personne et elle s’appelle Jetsun Pema. Bien qu’elle soit jeune, elle est chaleureuse et gentille de cœur et de caractère. Ces qualités ainsi que la sagesse qui viendra avec l’âge et l’expérience feront d’elle une excellente servante pour la nation. »

Après le mariage, le charmant couple royal continue de servir leurs sujets avec sérieux et, en février 2016, ils eurent un fils, Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck.

Comme dans un conte de fées classique, le roi Jigme Khesar et la reine Jetsun Pema vivent heureux pour toujours.

L’histoire d’amour du roi Jigme Khesar et de la reine Jetsun Pema est certainement captivante.

Il n’est pas surprenant que leur histoire d’amour conquière le cœur de nombreuses personnes à travers le monde.

Regardez la vidéo ci-dessous :

A Decade of Glorious Reign, 2006 – 2016

In an auspicious year marked with happiness, we wish a heartfelt Tashi Delek to all Bhutanese who have had the great fortune of witnessing ten years of His Majesty’s glorious reign. In these last ten years, Bhutanese have been been part of memorable events of extraordinary importance, which would otherwise come by rarely even in a lifetime. All the while, we have enjoyed a decade of peace, progress and stability, which is all the more extraordinary when we consider that this has been a decade of historic change for Bhutan. We have been able to undergo such a profound change in such an exceptional way, unseen elsewhere in the world, due to the unwavering guidance of His Majesty The King. His Majesty’s every word and action is a testament to the commitment, hard work, and sacrifice that is put in every day so that our country continues to exist as a rare jewel upon this earth. Before His Majesty, the people of Bhutan are united, setting aside all differences, in the reflection of our identity as proud Bhutanese. Today, the stars align yet again for the auspicious anniversary of His Majesty’s 10th year of Reign, which falls on the 10th day of the 10th month in the Bhutanese calendar. For this extremely significant occasion, we look back at His Majesty’s Coronation Address to the people of Bhutan, which continues to resonate with us to this day, and is embodied in every one of His Majesty’s noble actions. —“It is with immense joy that we are gathered together on this most auspicious day. In these last 100 years, the dreams and aspirations of our forefathers and the vision of our Kings have been fulfilled beyond all expectations. The wise and selfless leadership of our kings, the sacrifice and hard work of generations of Bhutanese and the special bond between the People and King have given us this unique and special nation– a jewel of the earth.Two years ago, at a time of profound change, I came onto the Throne as a young King. You, my people, in the spirit of generations past, worked with me with complete faith and gave me your wholehearted cooperation and goodwill. Thus, in these two short years while we have taken gigantic steps towards strengthening our nation, we have done so in a calm, deliberate manner in complete harmony. It is with great pride that we stand as a new democracy, having successfully completed an unprecedented and historic transition.Yet we must always remember that as our country, in these changing times finds immense new challenges and opportunities, whatever work we do, whatever goals we have– and no matter how these may change in this changing world– ultimately without peace, security and happiness, we have nothing. That is the essence of the philosophy of Gross National Happiness. Our most important goal is the peace and happiness of our people and the security and sovereignty of the nation.Our generation of Bhutanese have been gifted a strong, dynamic nation by our forefathers. I am confident that as long as we are willing to work with their commitment and dedication and follow their example, we can bring greater peace, happiness and prosperity to our country.I am confident because I know the worth and character of our people. You are the true jewel of this nation. As citizens of a spiritual land, you treasure the qualities of a good human being– honesty, kindness, charity, integrity, unity, respect for our culture and traditions, love for our country and for Dharma. Throughout our history our parents have upheld these values and placed the common good above the self.My deepest concern is that as the world changes, we may lose these fundamental values on which rest our character as a nation and people. It is critical that we are able to recognize Bhutanese character irrespective of how far we look back into the past or the future. The Bhutan that we see is vastly different, unrecognizable even, when compared to the Bhutan in the time of our first King. Yet, the character of our people and the nature of our fundamental values have remained unchanged. Henceforth, as even more dramatic changes transform the world and our nation, as long as we continue to pursue the simple and timeless goal of being good human beings, and as long as we strive to build a nation that stands for everything that is good, we can ensure that our future generations for hundreds of years will live in happiness and peace.It is not because I am King that I ask these of you. Destiny has put me here. It is with immense gratitude and humility that at this young age, I assume the sacred duty to serve a special people and country. Throughout my reign I will never rule you as a King. I will protect you as a parent, care for you as a brother and serve you as a son. I shall give you everything and keep nothing. I shall live such a life as a good human being that you may find it worthy to serve as an example for your children. I have no personal goals other than to fulfill your hopes and aspirations. I shall always serve you, day and night, in the spirit of kindness, justice and equality. As the king of a Buddhist nation, my duty is not only to ensure your happiness today, but to create the fertile ground from which you may gain the fruits of spiritual pursuit and attain good Karma.This is how I shall serve you as King.I cannot end without addressing our most important citizens – our youth. The future of our nation depends on the worth, capabilities and motivation of today’s youth. Therefore, I will not rest until I have given you inspiration, knowledge and skills so that you will not only fulfill your own aspirations, but be of immense worth to the nation. This is my sacred duty. A strong, motivated, young Bhutan guarantees a strong bright future.The future is neither unseen nor unknown. It is what we make of it. What work we do with our two hands today will shape the future of our nation. Our children’s tomorrow has to be created by us today.I end with a prayer for Bhutan– that the sun of peace and happiness may forever shine on our people. I also pray that while I am but King of a small Himalayan nation, I may in my time be able to do much to promote the greater wellbeing and happiness of all people in this world– of all sentient beings.”

اس پر ‏‎Jetsun Pema‎‏ نے شائع کیا جمعرات، 8 دسمبر، 2016

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